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A relational database management system (RDBMS).



Run without starting at boot (macOS):

brew services run postgresql@16

Best practices

See also Don't Do This.




A view is a named query that behaves like a table. It is useful to write a long query once and then reuse it as a view.

Syntax: CREATE VIEW <name> AS <query>;

#todo Materialized view: a view that is stored on disk.

Foreign keys

A foreign key is a type of constraint that ensures referential integrity between two related tables. It prevents inserting a row into one table if the corresponding row does not exist in another table.

Example: inserting into weather(city) requires the city to exist in cities.

When a referenced row is deleted (ON DELETE):


A transaction combines multiple queries into an atomic (all-or-nothing) operation.


ACID properties:


Isolation levels:

Use BEGIN TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL level to start a transaction with a specific isolation level.

⚠️ Warning
Applications that use Repeatable read and Serializable isolation levels must be prepared to retry transactions that fail due to serialization errors.

See also Postgres Concurrency Issues.


Multiversion Concurrency Control is used to implement concurrent transactions. The idea is that each transaction works with its own snapshot of the database. The main advantage of MVCC over locking is that reading does not block writing and vice versa.

Updating a table row creates a new version of it instead of overwriting the original data. To remove obsolete versions, a garbage collection must be performed using the VACUUM command.

Postgres includes the autovacuum daemon, which runs VACUUM (and ANALYZE) automatically. It is enabled by default.


Write-Ahead Logging is used to ensure data integrity. The idea is to persistently log all database changes before they are actually written. This way, even if the system goes down, the changes can be recovered later from the log.


Normally, all table rows are scanned to find matching elements. To perform more efficient scans, an additional data structure called an index is used. Thus, indexes speed up read queries at the cost of using more disk space and slowing down write queries (due to necessary index maintenance). Once an index is created, it is automatically updated when the table is modified.

Syntax: CREATE INDEX index ON table (columns);

It is possible to define an index on multiple columns. The order of the columns is important: a multicolumn index can only be used to search by the leftmost columns. Example: foo_bar_idx(foo, bar) can be used to search by foo and bar, by foo, but not by bar.

💡 Hint
For best performance, index for equality first, then for ranges.

💡 Hint
Avoid LIKE expressions that start with a wildcard (e.g. %foo) as they cannot be indexed.

Since an index only contains the values of the columns it was built for, it is still necessary to fetch the values of other columns from the table data.

A unique index is automatically created when a primary key or a unique constraint is used.

Index usage can be examined using EXPLAIN.

The default index type is B-tree, where the leaves contain pointers to the table rows and form a sorted linked list. There are 3 steps querying data using an index:

  1. Tree traversal (to find the queried values)
  2. Linked list iteration (to find all matching entries)
  3. Table data fetch (to get the actual table rows)

If an index covers all columns used in a query, an index-only scan can be performed. Non-key columns can be added to an index using INCLUDE (columns).

If only a subset of column values is used in a hot-path query, a partial index may be a better fit. Example: index only unprocessed orders (orders.processed = false), because processed orders are only queried by id.

⚠️ Warning
Postgres does not automatically create indexes for foreign keys.

⚠️ Warning
Write operations (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) on a table are blocked until an index is built! This may be unacceptable for large tables in production. To prevent this, create indexes for them CONCURRENTLY.

✏️ Note
Force using indexes for debugging purposes SET enable_seqscan = OFF;

Query plan

The EXPLAIN [ANALYZE] command prints the execution plan for a query (ANALYZE causes it to actually be executed).

The query planner uses the statistics of a database to generate optimal execution plans. The ANALYZE command is used to update these statistics.

💡 Hint
Use BEGIN; EXPLAIN ANALYZE ...; ROLLBACK; to get the actual time for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries without modifying data.

Scan operations:

Join operations:


Table-level locks:

Row-level locks:

#todo Advisory locks:

⚠️ Warning
The effect on foreign keys SELECT FOR UPDATE also locks referenced values (not full rows) from other tables.

A read-modify-write operation can be implemented using different types of locking:

See also:

Prepared statements

A prepared statement is a pre-compiled SQL code separated from data. It can be used repeatedly with different parameters without recompilation.

There are two types of prepared statements:

⚠️ Warning
Using prepared statements is a critical part of protecting against SQL injections. Never build SQL queries from raw user input!

WITH queries

Also known as Common Table Expressions (CTEs). Used to split complex queries into smaller parts, which can then be referenced by the main part. Generally preferred over subqueries due to better readability.

Syntax: WITH foo AS (...) SELECT * FROM bar;

CTEs can also be used for recursive queries.

Window functions

Tutorial | Exercises

Like aggregate functions, window functions perform calculations across a set of rows (called a partition). Unlike aggregate functions, these rows are not grouped in the output. Window functions are computed across the rows in the same partition as the current row.

Use case: for each row calculate something that depends on other rows.

Syntax: SELECT fn(foo) OVER (PARTITION BY bar ORDER BY baz)

If PARTITION BY is omitted, a single partition containing all rows is used.

Window functions are computed after any grouping, aggregating, and filtering is done.

Grouping sets

Grouping sets are used to group by different combinations of columns in the same query. This is an alternative to separate GROUP BY queries combined using UNION ALL.

Syntax: GROUP BY GROUPING SETS ((foo), (bar))



A cursor is similar to an iterator in programming languages. It can be thought of as a pointer to a row in a set of rows. Cursors are used to avoid loading the entire query output into memory at once.

Syntax: DECLARE cursor CURSOR FOR SELECT * FROM table;

The FETCH command is used to retrieve rows from a cursor.


A trigger is a function that is automatically executed when a certain event occurs on a table. Triggers provide access to values before and after a change: NEW.column and OLD.column.


A builtin pub/sub mechanism. Can be used to avoid database polling. A message is received by all connected listeners.

⚠️ Warning
If there are no listeners at the moment, a sent message will be lost.


  1. Alice: LISTEN channel;
  2. Bob: NOTIFY channel, 'hello';


See for details.


An official Postgres CLI client.





pg_dump: generate a file with SQL commands that recreate the database in the same state.


Replication is the process of maintaining multiple copies of a database, such as primary (used for writes) and replica (used for reads). It is used to scale a database for reading.


Sharding is the process of partitioning a database between different servers, e.g. table1 on server1, table2 on server2, etc. It is used to scale a database for writing.

Connection pool

Since opening new database connections is not cheap, a connection pool can be used to reuse existing connections.


Why PgBouncer is useful.

Performance tuning

See also